October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. While Pinktober is widely known across our nation, and the cause of this foundation is amazing…there is something we tend not to focus on, something very misunderstood (or not understood at all): Metastatic Breast Cancer.
While we are the number one Metro Detroit’s Home Staging Experts, this month we would like to shift our focus on something near and dear to our hearts here at Impact Home Staging Experts. In this article we will share facts about what metastatic breast cancer is, and how you can support research for this specific cancer.

stage /stāj/
1. a point, period, or step in a process or development.
1.style or furnish (a property for sale) in such a way as to enhance its attractiveness to potential buyers.
Stage 4 defined by cancer.net
1. This stage means that the cancer has spread to other organs or parts of the body. It may be also called advanced or metastatic cancer.
2. staging is the process of determining the extent to which a cancer has developed by growing and spreading.
Stage 4 Breast Cancer AKA Metastatic Breast Cancer
When breast cancer spreads in the body to another area from where it started, doctors say the cancer has “metastasized.” If the cancer has spread to one area, they consider that a “metastasis,” or use the term “metastases” if the cancer has spread to more than one area. At this stage of the disease, it is referred to as metastatic breast cancer. Another name for metastatic breast cancer is stage 4 breast cancer if it has already spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis of the original cancer.
Metastatic breast cancer (Stage 4) has no limits and can spread to any part of the body. In most cases, this cancer spreads to the bones, liver, lungs, and brain. This is something often misunderstood, because even after cancer spreads, it is still named for the area where it began. For instance, if breast cancer spreads to the bones, doctors call it metastatic breast cancer, not bone cancer. This is because the cancer started in breast cells, and metastatic cancer is always terminal.

1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. Someone you know and love will get this awful disease, and therefore it is so important to get checked. Most commonly, metastatic breast cancer is diagnosed after a person has received treatment for an earlier stage (non-metastatic) breast cancer. This can happen at any time after someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, and it is so important to know just how quickly breast cancer advances. It has no mercy, and early prevention is the ultimate key in a long and healthy life.
“This does not need to happen. Many metastasis researchers believe that metastatic breast cancer could become a chronic, rather than terminal, disease, if only there were more money to do the research necessary to develop effective treatments. As such, METAvivor has launched a nationwide effort to raise awareness about metastatic breast cancer, with a push to dedicate 30% of all breast cancer research funds toward the metastatic breast cancer that 30% of patients will ultimately face.”
How Can You Help?
There is an organization specifically dedicated to Metastatic Breast Cancer Research and Support. The METAvivor non-profit was established by a metastatic breast cancer patients who felt that there was not nearly enough research and support dedicated this type of cancer, and wanted to make a change. METAvivor is now widely recognized for raising and promoting awareness and funds solely for stage 4 breast cancer research. The organizations number one goal is to continue to move forward in anticipation of the day metastatic breast cancer is declared a survivable condition. Donations to METAvivior will fund MBC research and increase support programs for those living with MBC. To donate, please visit www.metavivior.org
The METAvivior Ribbon

The pink ribbon is well-known around the globe for the support of breast cancer and representation of the fight. Although many stage 4 breast cancer patients feel that pink does not capture detrimental diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer might start in the breast, but its aggressive spread to vital body parts makes the disease terminal.
METAvivor has their own ribbon with colors of pink, green, and teal. a base ribbon of green and teal to represent metastasis.
- Green and Teal: We were chosen to signify metastasis.
- Green: Represents the triumpn of spring over winter and thus symbolizes Renewal, Hope, and Immortality.
- Teal: Symbolizes Healing and Spirituality
- The Pink Ribbon: Identifies the origin of the metastasis as breast cancer.
Many effective breast cancer treatments exist, but if the cancer metastasizes and spreads outside of the breast, there is no cure. Please join us in this critical effort and donate today, and please pass this article along to someone you know and love.